
And so, the research begins: diving into the relationship between humans and food, from culture to culture. I stumbled across an incredible project that has given me a lot of insight and inspiration: Food for 9 Billion.


28 days later

Today is the last day of my inversion challenge. Can I say my life has changed solely because of the inversions? Most people would probably say that's debatable. Who's life doesn't change in 28 days? Can I say that I feel better, I think more clearly, and I have more motivation? Yes.

If we change one thing about our everyday, doesn't that cause a ripple effect? Whether it be inversions, sitting down for your meals instead of eating on the go, walking to work instead of driving, whatever it might be, it will gradually affect how you go about your life.

But, for something as simple as flipping upside-down for three minutes, I have noticed quite a difference in myself. I've tried to put into writing the exact results. In order to do so, the blog becomes far too personal or so vague that it's not worth mentioning. So, take it upon yourself.