I started drinking sea veggies, just over a year ago. Yes, drinking.
I was asking my yoga teacher, Julie (lots of thanks to the inspiration in my life goes to Jules), what this drink called Body Balance was all about. It is sold at the studio, and I had tried it, but just had no idea what it was. She just so happened to be attending a Body Balance conference the upcoming weekend and asked if I wanted to join her. I accepted, having no idea what I was getting myself into.
Julie works for Life Force Int. and the conference was a very in-depth meeting of their amazing and beneficial products. I learned a lot about sea vegetables, to say the least. I also heard some inspiring stories about how this drink has really saved people's lives: removing cancer, treating depression, weight loss and increased energy.
But, seriously, look into sea veggies. The amount of nutrients that comes from these plants is crazy! Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, Vitamins A, B, B2, B6, B12, C, folic acid, niacin... to name a few! Even my ayurvedic book talks about how great they are. But, if I am looking from a Pitta perspective, I should have them only occasionally. Quick interjection: speaking of a Pitta perspective, I took another dosha quiz and it seems like my dosha is changing a bit; I could possibly now be a Pitta Kapha?! Does that mean that I am balancing out a bit more?? Does that mean that I am unbalanced even more? I must do some more reading. Anyways, so yes, I now drink Body Balance, which also has aloe vera in it, which is incredibly rich in nutrients/minerals/amino acids.
All that being said, about three weeks after I started drinking my sea veggies, I decided to stop eating meat. And, by stop eating meat, I should say that I significantly decreased my intake and changed which types of meats I was eating. This all came about from my ayurveda experiments. As a Pitta (if that really is what I still am?!), a purely vegetarian diet is recommended, but I can have chicken, venison, rabbit, and turkey, if I am going to eat meat. Tough change in my life! Being totally obsessed with food, I used to be the type of person that would put bacon into everything, overload on seafood when I would go back home to California, and yeah, you get it. But, now I like to think that I am obsessed with food in a totally different way: a way in which I use food to benefit my body, soul, and mind. Yes, I'm still working on doing that all the time - my chicken wing binge still plays a very avid role in my life. BUT, I'm working on it. Good.
Okay, so with the B.B., the "vegetarian" diet, wow, I feel so much better! I have noticed how easy it is for my body to digest food. My weight doesn't fluctuate like it used to, and I lost weight. My energy levels have definitely increased.
It's strange for me to say, but Body Balance really did change my life. It inspires me to take care of myself. It helps me take care of myself.
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