

Day Seven.

Over the weekends of the cleanse, there is the option to take the detoxification to another level, by eating only fruits and vegetables. It's a time of rest, letting your body do some internal work and giving yourself the space it needs to heal. Creating this space allows us to let things come into our lives, as well as for them to leave. If we attach to thoughts, toxins, material items, bad habits, emotions, etc., we don't have room to let go, to let new opportunities come into our life, or truly grow. Having space within our mind and body, allows us to move with more ease and grace, as different things come our way.

We are creatures of habit and rely on food for so much more than pure energy and nutrition, whether it is used as a coping mechanism or you eat out of boredom. Eating purely fruits and vegetables not only gives our digestive system a break, but it opens our eyes to what food really means to us. Our cravings for food usually aren't about the food; it stems from something else.

Yesterday, I practiced yin yoga, in hopes to detoxify my body even more. Yin yoga is a gentle yoga, where you hold most poses for 3 minutes or so. Holding the poses longer creates a stretch in the scar tissue, rather than the muscles, and allows toxins to be released from deep inside. Toxins come in many forms, whether it be from years of smoking, drinking, eating poorly, emotions, past experiences, you get the idea. I could literally feel my body releasing negative energy that I had been storing. It was pretty powerful.

For me, this cleanse always blows my mind. The strength and insight you obtain from eating purely is sometimes hard to grasp. I think it allows for a glimpse into the beings we are are capable of being. I have been able to thoroughly observe how I react to certain situations, how I treat people, and what I can work on to improve my quality of life, as well as others. The below quote came up from separate sources twice last week, so I think it's worth sharing:

 "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
~ Marianne Williamson

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